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Do I Need a New Roof Before I Put Solar Panels On?

Are you finally getting ready to install solar panels? Congratulations! A solar energy system will help you slash your expensive energy costs and protect this beautiful planet that we call home. There’s just one thing that you might not have considered—your roof.  We’ve seen it many times, a homeowner starts the process of solar installation…

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Pros and Cons of Solar Hot Water

If the chill of January has you thinking about installing a new hot water system, why not try a solar water heater? At Solar Bear, our goal is to empower Florida families in their solar journey.  We’ve compiled a list of pros and cons to assist you in making an educated buying decision when it…

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Sun Number Meaning: What Is It and How Do You Tell Your Score?

As you and your family make the switch to home solar power, one of the terms you’ll often hear tossed around by solar power aficionados is “sun number.” But what does “sun number” mean, and how does it affect your home’s solar power? At Solar Bear Tampa, we’re here to answer these questions and more,…

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How Many Solar Panels Does the Average Home Need?

Making the switch to a solar system can help you lower or eliminate your monthly electric bills while also reducing your environmental footprint. However, before you begin installing a solar system, you must first ask a very important question: “How many solar panels does my home need?”  Of course, to accurately calculate this number, you…

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