
7 Ways to Maximize Your Solar Savings

Most people who invest in solar panels do it for lower energy bills. It’s true that simply owning solar panels can save you money, but did you know that your actions could save you even more? Your pals at Solar Bear Dallas are here with a few tips and tricks for maximizing your solar savings.

Evaluate Your Current Energy Usage

The first thing you should do is hire a specialist to visit your home and evaluate your current energy usage. They’ll be able to tell you where you’re spending the most energy, how many solar panels you’ll need to make up for it, and ways to cut back on your usage. Gathering this vital information will help you save so much more when using solar energy.

Invest In an Energy Storage Bank or Battery

Getting a battery pack or any kind of energy storage unit is practically essential when it comes to making the most out of your solar panels. Any solar energy that is gathered but not currently being used can be stored away for later so nothing goes to waste.

Prioritize Daytime Energy Usage

Whenever possible, try to use your appliances during the day when your solar panels are in direct contact with the sun. This will save you from wear and tear on your battery after sundown when your solar panels are not active.

Use Your Appliances Responsibly

Home appliances take a great deal of energy, and running multiple machines at once can take a toll on your whole system. Make it a point to decrease the number of times you use each appliance and only run one machine at any given time.

Clean Your Solar Panels Regularly

Many homeowners make the mistake of believing that you can set and forget solar panels and expect them to work the same as they did when they were brand new. Being on the roof, solar panels are very likely to collect dust over time which can affect how well they collect solar energy. If your panels aren’t able to see the sun, it only makes sense that they won’t be able to gather a decent amount of UV rays.

Get Your Solar Panels Checked Annually

For the most part, solar panels require minimal maintenance. However, it’s still a good idea to get them checked at least once a year in case any repairs need to be made. Sometimes, you won’t know that your panels aren’t working at max capacity unless you get an expert to look into them.

Prevent Air Leaks with Good Insulation

No matter how great your solar panels are, having a poorly-insulated home can still cause your AC to work overtime and use up more of your solar energy than what’s needed. Spray foam insulation provides the best seal to prevent air leaks into your home.

Call Solar Bear Dallas Today!

Ready to start saving money with solar panels? Call Solar Bear Dallas at (727) 471-7442 for a free quote on the best solar panels in the area! We’ll make sure your home is equipped with the most optimal setup so you can reap the benefits.


Do Solar Panels Increase My Property Taxes in Florida?

If you are interested in taking advantage of all the sun that Florida has to offer, solar panels may be the right solution for you. Home improvements almost always mean increased property value but when it comes to solar panels, could they increase your property taxes too? Solar Bear of Tampa gets to the bottom of this burning question below.

The rising popularity of solar energy has led to amazing financial incentives across Florida. This increase in usage has led to exemptions like not paying sales tax on solar purchases through the Solar and CHP Sales Tax Exemption and providing 100% property tax exemptions for residential solar panels by the Property Tax Exclusion for Residential Renewable Energy Property exemption. This rule allows county tax collectors to overlook a home’s solar system when assessing value. So, even though your home value may increase, you will not pay any additional property taxes. These statewide incentives are chiefly appealing to solar seekers who would be subject to sales and property taxes on any other home improvement investments.

Another exciting tax exemption to take advantage of is the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Created in 2006, it has created clean energy and saved homeowners thousands of dollars. Currently, the tax credit is 30% of your total project costs (ex: permits, installation, and equipment) and can be claimed as a credit on your federal tax return for the current year. It’s important to note that this incentive is only available if you own the system, not through a lease, so that’s even more reasons to begin your solar journey now and lock in this amazing current rate!

There are also several other programs, like net metering, which can save additional dollars when you add solar energy to your home. Our energy experts can assist with any financial questions while we customize a solar installation that works for you. Call Solar Bear of Tampa at (727) 471-7442 or request a free estimate today.


Can Rain Damage or Break My Solar Panels?

If you live in an area that sees its fair share of rainy weather, you may be concerned as to whether or not installing solar panels is a bad idea. Being placed on your roof, it would be the first thing that gets exposed to rainfall and the idea of circuitry taking in that water is an alarming thought. Not to worry! The experts at Solar Bear Dallas will teach you what happens with solar panels in the presence of heavy rain.

The Water-Resistant Properties of Solar Panels

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that rooftop solar panels would be exposed to rainfall. That’s why they were designed to be waterproof! At least, that’s the intention. In the end, the true water-resistant effectiveness of a solar panel has to do with the quality of the panel itself. Panels that are cheaply made may come with gaps between the frame and the screen which is all you need for any bit of water to find its way in. Once the water reaches the inner circuitry, it could short out your entire system. As long as you go with the best solar panels in your area, your setup should have a high enough integrity to repel any amount of rain.

Some tips that can help prevent water damage include angling your panels so that the rain pours down the side inside of pooling up at the top and using solar trackers to ensure that the panel moves around to avoid any still water lingering on the panel. And since sealant wears off over time, it’s a good idea to have your solar panels checked every so often. An aged sealant that has worn off over time can also lead to water seeping through unprotected gaps left behind after degradation.

Solar Panels Against Hailstorms

Some storms with heavy rain are sometimes followed by strings of hail which is known to cause damage to glass such as windshields. If this is the case, then are solar panels just as likely to witness some cracks from a direct impact? Again, if the solar panel is poorly made, then you will definitely notice signs of damage after a heavy hailstorm. However, a quality solar panel setup will be able to handle debris without falling apart under pressure.

The Effectiveness of Solar Panels in the Rain

In the middle of a rainstorm, your panels may not generate as much solar power because the sky will likely be too cloudy to have adequate exposure to the sun. Plus, freshwater droplets may get in the way and make it difficult for the panel to fully absorb the light at max capacity. However, one upside to rainfall is that as long as your solar panel is good enough quality to handle exposure to water, heavy rain will rinse your panels free of dust so that they can absorb light at their fullest potential again.

The Best Waterproof Solar Panels in Texas

At Solar Bear Dallas, we are proud to announce that our solar panels are of the best quality which means that they are also very much waterproof in the event of the occasional rain or heavy storms. Give us a call today at (727) 471-7442 for more information and to ask for a free estimate!


Do Solar Panels Become Less Effective Over Time?

One assumption that many new solar panel owners make is the idea that solar panels are a one-and-done deal that’ll last forever. Like with anything else in life, solar panels degrade over time, albeit very slowly. But with the right knowledge provided by your friends at Solar Bear Houston, you can learn how to get the longest possible lifespan out of your solar panel setup.

What Causes Solar Panel Degradation?

To put it into numbers, solar panels have a degradation rate of around 0.5% a year. You may think that this percentage is minuscule, and it really is when you put it into perspective. At the very least, a solar panel can last 25 years but it can be much longer than that. But what causes them to degrade in the first place?

Light / UV Exposure

If a solar panel’s job is to absorb light and UV rays, then why would exposure to the sun cause them to wear out? A frying pan is meant to go on a flame, but the bottom will still sustain heat damage. Clothes are designed to be washed, but too many rinse cycles can loosen up the fabric. Solar panels are the same way when enduring the wear and tear of regular use.

Intense Weather Conditions

Although many solar panels are designed to withstand rain, wind, and other weather conditions, harsh and regular exposure can wear your panels down faster than if they weren’t being hindered by these events.

Improper Energy Distribution

Solar panels that have been installed incorrectly may suffer inconsistent energy usage. For the most effective setup, an even or balanced amount of electricity is ideal. However, poor installation can lead to too much energy overloading certain parts or not enough energy causing parts to try harder than usual.

Ways to Increase Your Solar Panel’s Lifespan

Even though you can’t completely stop the degradation of solar panels over time, you can still enjoy fully-functional panels over the course of many decades by:

  • Acquiring high-quality solar panels
  • Hiring the best contractors in the area
  • Keeping up with regular maintenance

What does proper maintenance for solar panels involve? It doesn’t really take much, but that little bit of extra care can go a long way. One of the most important things you can do is to clean them about every six months. Solar panels can get dusty if left untouched for too long, thus hindering the effectiveness of their solar-collecting properties. Getting up on the roof yourself can be dangerous, but you can leave the cleaning to the professionals. They’ll likely know the proper methods to make them good as new!

As time moves on and technology becomes more advanced, the natural lifespan of a solar panel will continue to increase. To ensure that you get the absolute best and highest-quality solar panels available that’ll last you longer than average, seek out the best solar company in your area.

The Best Solar Panel Company in Houston

If you’re looking for the best quality solar panels with the most skilled contractors for the longest-lasting energy-saving experience in Texas, Solar Bear Houston can hook you up with the best setup at an affordable price. Call (727) 471-7442 today for a free estimate!