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How Long Until Solar Panels Pay for Themselves?

By far, the most common question we get asked by customers who are interested in solar panels is, “Will solar panels eventually pay for themselves?” Our answer is an astounding, “Yes!”  That takes us to the second most common question, “How long does it take to see a return on investment?” Because each solar panel…

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Why 2021 is the Perfect Time to Go Solar

Interested in going solar? Now is the time to do it! The solar energy experts at Solar Bear Tampa explain why… The Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit Extension In 2005, the U.S. government put the Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit in place as an incentive for homeowners to install solar systems. Taxpayers were initially given…

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Is My Roof Suitable for Solar?

If you are planning on going solar, you might be wondering if your roof is suitable for solar panels. Depending on the pitch and style of your house’s roof, solar panels could be a great option to offset energy costs and be more environmentally friendly.  Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding…

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Can I Completely Power My Home with Solar?

In Florida, we bask in the rays of the sun for most of the year, but beyond beautiful sunsets and seemingly perpetual heat and humidity, the sun can be harnessed to create power to offset the energy costs of running your home.  The amount of electricity that it takes to run a home depends on…

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