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Solar Power Electrical Requirements 101

Does anyone even read the manual before they start building something? Lucky for you, the Solar Bear team does but it’s also a great idea for owners to have a baseline knowledge of solar systems so they can make informed decisions during the installation process. Today, we’ll take a quick look at solar panel electrical…

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Solar Energy Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Thanks to advances in technology and affordability, solar power is more popular than ever, and more people are beginning to realize that solar power can benefit them financially while making a difference. Solar offers an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world without changing your lifestyle. For Florida residents, choosing to go solar…

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4 Reasons to Install Solar Power for Your Business

Work smarter, not harder. The age-old saying applies to a lot of things especially when it comes to installing solar power for your business. Solar Bear Tampa has the top four reasons why adding a solar energy system is just good business cents…er, sense. 1. Tax incentives There are a number of local and federal…

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