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What Does the 120% Rule for Solar Mean?

If you’re wisely considering the choice of switching to solar, you’ve likely heard about the 120% Rule. This regulatory guideline set by the NEC (National Electrical Code) is intended to protect both life and property from electric hazards. Solar power systems deliver electric currents to the MSP, or Main Service Panel. Each panel has a…

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How Is Solar Energy Different from Other Forms of Energy?

Solar energy is an increasingly popular renewable resource and with good reason! It is a clean, renewable energy source that can be used in many ways. But how is it different from other forms of energy? This article will explore the differences between solar energy and other sources of power to help you better understand…

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This Key Part of Solar Installation Is Often Overlooked

Installing solar power in Florida is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint and their energy bills. But before embarking on the exciting project of a solar installation, it is important to understand an often-overlooked part of the solar installation—the site survey. A site survey will provide insight into…

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Can I Grow My Garden With Solar?

Solar energy is a clean, affordable way to power your home. Now more than ever, Florida homeowners are making the switch to solar and saving big money on their electric bills, all while promoting a cleaner, healthier environment. Most homeowners don’t know that solar energy can be used in some surprising ways, aside from powering…

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