
3 Important Numbers That Should Always Be Checked During A Solar Maintenance Appointment

Installing a solar panel system at your Florida home is an exciting way to harness the power of the sun to produce energy to power your appliances, EVs, and more. However, certain aspects of the system need to be monitored to make the most of their efficiency.

Today, our team at Solar Bear Orlando explains the top three most important solar-related numbers that should always be checked during a solar maintenance appointment.

#1. Tilt & Orientation

As we’ve outlined in previous articles before, the angle and tilt of your solar panels can have a large effect on the energy the system can absorb. This is all based on the latitude of the current season.

To maximize the amount of energy that your solar system produces, the panels should be positioned perpendicular to the sun. Generally, it is recommended that for the best performance, you should add 15 degrees to your panel’s tilt in the winter and subtract 15 degrees in the summer for optimal energy production.

Orientation is also quite important. The best direction for solar panels to be oriented is South. This allows them to receive the maximum amount of direct sunlight throughout the day in Central Florida.

When checking in for maintenance, a solar provider will ensure that your panels are still producing energy efficiently based on their tilt and orientation.

Read More > Angled Solar Panels: Why Tilt Matters

#2. Temperature Coefficient

This is another important number that solar contractors and maintenance teams check with maintaining your solar system. This outlines the percentage per degree in Celsius, or how much power the solar panel will lose when the outside temperature increases by each degree over 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Generally, as the temperature rises above 77 degrees, the solar panel’s overall efficiency decreases. It also works the other way. If the outside temperature is lower than 77 degrees, the system’s efficiency increases.

We check this number because it allows us to understand how efficient your system is based on the season, and time of day. After a year of compiling this data, you will see how Central Florida’s weather affects the efficiency of your panels and when you can expect to see any specific losses or gains in production.

#3. Solar Irradiance

Another important measurement when it comes to solar panels is called solar irradiance. This is defined as the measurement of the sun’s intensity over a specific area. In solar speak, we also define this as Peak Sun Hours or PSH, or the number of hours that the system receives an average intensity of 1 kW/m2.

This is important as the higher solar irradiance is, the more electricity can be produced by the system.

Call on Solar Bear Orlando

Choosing Solar Bear Orlando to install your solar system in Central Florida is a decision that will yield optimal results. Our team of experienced professionals understands the importance of factors such as tilt and orientation, temperature coefficient, and solar irradiance in maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your solar system.

Don’t wait to install solar at your home or business! Contact Solar Bear Orlando today for an installation quote at (727) 471-7442!