
6 Ways You Can Support Renewable Energy

There are many reasons that public support for renewable energy has been gaining traction. Building wind and solar energy is a way that the United States can use energy sources that are more homegrown, low-cost, and renewable instead of relying on fossil fuels.

No matter the reason for embracing renewable energy, you might be wondering how you as a citizen can support the renewable energy movement.

While everyone doesn’t have the space to erect a wind turbine or install a solar panel system, here are 6 ways that you can support clean and reliable energy.

Contact Your Elected Officials

When you write to your U.S. Representatives, State Representatives, or your local elected officials, remember that your voice matters.

Tell them why you support growing renewable energy and why they should support policies that help the renewable energy industry grow. Ask what actions they are taking to support the renewable energy movement.

You may be surprised by how accessible your state and local elected officials are. To help enact meaningful change, make sure that your voice is heard!

Vote for Solar

The most important solar victories in the past few decades have all happened at the state and local levels, where the voices of everyday citizens hold sway.

Voting for solar initiatives and candidates that support solar energy are two ways that you can make an impact on a local and even global level. Push your representatives to take action. They work for you after all!

Support Local Businesses That Use Clean Energy

Corporate giants’ climate action is proof that global support for clean renewable energy is growing. But it isn’t only large companies that are making the switch. Solar panels can be seen across the country atop car repair shops and other small businesses to help them avoid fluctuating energy prices.

Frequent the greenest local businesses that you can. Buy from sustainable local businesses when you can, and don’t hesitate to let your local sops know that you support their decision to go solar or use clean energy.

Support Local Renewable Energy Initiatives

There are many wind and solar projects across Florida to support. Write to your local elected officials such as the County Commissioner or City Council to explain why you think renewable energy is a good thing for your community.

If there is a local renewable energy project in your area, stop into the developer’s office and say hello and ask how you can get more involved.

Further, attend any hearings or public gatherings and speak in support of these renewable energy projects. Even if you aren’t a public speaker, your presence at the local meeting is still helpful!

Inform Your Friends and Neighbors

Going solar is contagious. If you support solar by installing it on your roof or carport, your neighbors are more likely to follow. Inspire your neighbors to take action!

Let them know what steps you have been taking to support solar energy and share your enthusiasm for a future powered by clean energy.

Reduce Your Energy Impact

While choosing to add a solar system to your home is a wonderful way to support the renewable energy industry, there are other things that you can do to reduce your daily energy consumption.


 Reducing your electricity usage.

  • Turn lights off during the day
  • don’t leave lights on at night
  • Unplug items that you aren’t using
  • Leave blinds and curtains closed during the hottest part of the day
  • Replace lightbulbs with LEDs
  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • Use energy-efficient appliances

Reducing the impact of transportation on the environment.

  • Purchase an electric vehicle
  • Take public transit
  • Carpool
  • Walk
  • Ride a bike

Related> Why Florida is the Perfect Place to Switch to Solar Energy

Go Solar Today

Ready to make a difference in your community and for the environment? Take part in the renewable energy revolution and call Solar Bear Orlando to get started installing solar panels at your Orlando property today! If you want to make a change globally, you have to act locally.

Harness power from the sun with Solar Bear Orlando. Call to schedule a consultation today; (727) 471-7442!


Should I Install Solar Panels for My Tiny House?

If you love the tiny house lifestyle, solar panels may be a perfect fit. Of course, with any home investment you make, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. The team at Solar Bear can help you decide if solar panels are the right decision for your tiny house with this comprehensive list.

In most cases, the environmental values of tiny house living and solar panel systems align wonderfully. The most important pro is probably the solar panel’s ability to dramatically reduce electric bills. A small system between 1 and 3 kilowatts can power a tiny house easily. When you pair the small square footage with a Solar Bear solar panel system, homeowners can expect to lower or possibly eliminate much of their electric costs. Also, keep in mind some of these factors that will increase solar savings: a prominent amount of sunlight, net metering programs, high electricity rates, and usage. A terrific return on investment is also on top of the pro list. Most homeowners experience a short payback period, usually 4-9 years in most states after their initial investment. Currently, a 26% federal solar tax credit is available, if installed before the end of 2022. Other pros worth mentioning include smaller carbon footprints from this renewable energy, system personalization tailored to your needs, and of course, energy independence for decreased power interruption.

Let’s flip the coin and talk about the cons of adding solar to your tiny house. Cost is always top of mind when it comes to home improvements. Most homeowners plan to buy their solar panel system outright but Solar Bear also offers financing and incentives resources. Along with Florida’s net metering programs and statewide incentives, this could offset much of the upfront cost. In order to truly take advantage of your energy independence, a solar battery is needed. Newer lithium batteries are powerful and efficient but will add to the cost of your system if you choose to store access energy. We know that space is at a premium in tiny houses. Some homeowners choose panel ground installations but those can be difficult to move, should you want to take your show on the road. Talking with our team is the best way to calculate how many panels are needed for your system. We can create a customized plan that works for your home.

Ready to learn more? Solar Bear is on a mission to create a stronger, more sustainable future with energy-saving solutions for Florida houses, big and small. Call us today at (727) 471-7442 to schedule your free estimate.


July 2022 Deadline to Get Grandfathered into Florida’s Net Metering Law

Florida’s ample sunshine makes it the perfect place to go solar and take part in net metering with Florida utility companies. Unfortunately, the battle against net metering law changes in Florida is not looking good.

While we aren’t giving up, now is the time to consider how you can protect yourself from these potential net metering law changes. Spoiler: You must sign up for net metering before July 2022 to qualify for the existing Florida net metering laws.

Our Solar Bear Orlando team discusses what is happening with net metering laws in Florida and what you should do if you have a solar system.

February 2022 Florida Solar Rally & Committee Meeting

On Tuesday, February 8th, 2022, the net metering bill was being discussed in the Senate Committee on Rules while the Save our Solar Rally was taking place right outside Florida’s Capitol in Tallahassee.

Unfortunately, the new net metering bill, that allows power companies to pay significantly lower rates to solar customers for their excess solar electricity sent to the grid, passed 13-3.

House Bill 741 and Senate Bill 1024 are being described as a “redesign” of Florida’s net metering program. But Florida net metering helps solar customers reduce their costs and improve their return on investments. Without it, the solar industry is set to take a huge hit. Installers, employers, customers, and the overall fight for our climate will all suffer.

What is Net Metering?

If you are new to solar, here’s a quick overview of what net metering is:

Essentially, net metering allows solar customers to send excess energy that has been generated by their solar system back to the electrical grid in exchange for payment or credits from their local energy provider.

For example, say you install $20,000 worth of solar panels on your rooftop here in Orlando. Now you can generate power and make money from the Florida sunshine every day. The local energy company will give you retail rate credits for the power that you share with the grid.

But with the HB741/SB1024 bill that just passed, you will be getting paid far less for the energy that you share. Your utility company will take your energy and sell it to other customers, but they will be the ones profiting, not you.

How to Get Grandfathered into Florida Net Metering

If you want to get grandfathered into the current Florida net metering agreement, you must sign up before July 2022.

Doing so will allow you to sell your solar energy back to the grid at the existing rate. If you aren’t grandfathered in, you will face the new net metering laws that could have a huge impact on your finances.

Our team at Solar Bear Orlando is happy to help! If you have questions about the forthcoming net metering law changes or want to install solar before July 2022, give us a call today!

Why You Must Act Fast

As we mentioned, you must sign up before July 2022 to get grandfathered into the existing Florida net metering agreement.

If you are looking to invest in solar before then, there are other reasons not to delay including:

  • Equipment delays: There are current equipment shortages that have yet to abate since the beginning of the pandemic.
  • Rising equipment prices: Due to inflation, solar equipment prices are on the rise. Act fast to take advantage of current prices before they rise even more.
  • 2022 Federal Solar Tax Credits: Enjoy 22% savings through the Federal Tax Credit in 2022 and 2023. After 2023 it will drop to 0%!

Can We Fight the Net Metering Bill?

Although the bill has passed, you can still join 93% of Floridians who support solar net metering by emailing Florida legislators urging them to oppose SB 1024 and HB741 and mention your concerns about the climate crisis and the future of solar.

Start Your Orlando Solar Project Today

If you want to take part in the existing Florida net metering agreement, the time to go solar is now! Our team at Solar Bear Orlando will help you through the process and ensure that your project starts in time to get grandfathered into the current net metering agreement.

WE would love to help you save thousands in 2022! Call us today to get started; (727) 471-7442!


What Is Solar Rapid Shutdown and Do I Need It?

Does your family have a safety plan in the event of a house fire? If your home has rooftop solar panels, it may be important to add solar rapid shutdown instructions to that plan. This critical regulation provides a way for firefighters to shut down the main power source during an emergency. Read on to see why the Solar Bear team recommends solar rapid shutdowns for homeowners.

Solar rapid shutdown is the ability to easily shut down a solar panel system in case of an emergency. This action was first mandated by regulations in 2014 by the National Electrical Code (NEC) as a quick and effective way to cut off electricity running through a solar panel system. Without rapid shutdown devices in place, there is no safe way to shut down the current running through the panel conductors. Because solar panels store power, there is still a risk of electrocution with the live current in the electrical cables in your solar panels. Firefighters and first responders would be at a higher risk because of rescue efforts that could bring them into direct contact with the solar system’s conductors or wires. However, with a solar rapid shutdown device, the solar system could be de-energized in under a minute and remove the risk of electrocution for anyone going on the roof.

If you purchase a solar panel system in 2022, rapid shutdown functionality is most likely included in your equipment. Most residential systems are installed with microinverters and power optimizers that operate with a built-in rapid shutdown capability. If you choose to buy a solar panel system that uses a string inverter, you will need to install module-level power electronics (MLPE) to comply with NEC regulations. By connecting your string inverter to a power optimizer or an MLPE rapid shutdown product, you can install this functionality quickly. Currently, if you have an older system, there is no requirement to retrofit but should you plan to upgrade or expand, you will need to bring the system up to NEC code.

Solar Bear wants to make going solar an easy and seamless experience for you! With our extensive solar knowledge, we can help you design the best system for your home. Get started with your free estimate today!