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Beat Inflation and Rising Utility Costs with Solar

Inflation has become such a big problem in the past year to the point where it’s now a popular topic amongst the general public. Many individuals are fighting any way they can just to make ends meet, only to exhaust themselves in the process. Don’t let this happen to you! Solar Bear Dallas is here…

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Best Battery Types for Solar

What happens to the solar energy that you don’t use throughout the day? Rather than letting it go to waste, many solar panel owners invest in batteries to store their extra solar power. But before you go walking into the store to pick out the first battery you see, you should know that there are…

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Do Solar Panels Work During a Power Outage?

If your solar system is grid-tied, you will have access to the power grid to offset any power that your solar panels do not produce. But when the power goes out, will you have power? The quick answer is no, your solar panels will not be able to power your home or business during a…

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TECO And Net Metering – How to Connect Your Solar

Tis the season! The season of net metering, that is. If you are ready to begin your net metering journey as a TECO customer, Solar Bear of Tampa can help you connect your home seamlessly. The first step to solar independence is to have our team perform a complimentary energy audit that will assess your…

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