If you own solar panels, you may be wondering whether or not you can still use solar energy during a blackout. It all depends on your particular setup and any extra solar appliances you may be using. Don’t worry, the experts at Solar Bear Dallas are here to teach you what happens to your solar…
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Is It Harder to Sell a House with Solar Panels?
Do you plan to sell your house at some point, whether it be now or sometime in the future? You may be wondering if it’s harder to sell a house with solar panels already installed. You’ll be glad to know that solar-powered properties benefit both the buyer and the seller for mutual satisfaction. Solar Bear…
FPL Rate Increase In 2023 Means It’s Time to Switch To Solar
If you live in Orlando, you likely have Florida Power & Light as your utility provider. If so, in 2023, you will see yet another increase in your power bills. FPL has said that the increase is part of a 4-year base rate plan, but this time around, with rising fuel costs, these rate increases…
Florida Solar Rebates You’ll Want to Know About
New year, new you…new solar panels? If you’re considering installing a solar system in your home or business, you may be wondering how much you can earn in financial incentives. The truth is a lot! When combined, local, state, and federal incentives can add up and solidify what a lucrative purchase of a solar system…