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Is Off-Grid or On-Grid Solar Better?

Are you considering installing a solar system but not sure which setup is better for your home? Both off-grid and on-grid system options carry positives and negatives but truthfully, it comes down to the electrical needs of your home. Solar Bear of Tampa takes a look at both systems and what factors may influence your…

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Is It OK to Hose Off Solar Panels?

Whether you already own a solar panel system or are looking into buying your first set, you may be wondering about the process of cleaning and maintaining them for optimal performance. After all, solar panels aren’t something that you can just set and ignore while expecting them to work like they did when they were…

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What Happens When Off-Grid Solar Batteries Are Filled?

If you are looking to install an off-grid battery-supported solar system, or you have recently had one installed, you may be wondering how the system works. What will happen to excess solar power when the solar batteries are full? Our solar pros at Solar Bear Orlando explain what solar batteries are and what you can…

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What Happens to My Solar If the Power Goes Out?

If you own solar panels, you may be wondering whether or not you can still use solar energy during a blackout. It all depends on your particular setup and any extra solar appliances you may be using. Don’t worry, the experts at Solar Bear Dallas are here to teach you what happens to your solar…

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