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Do I Have to Tell My Insurance Company I Have Solar Panels?

Solar panels are an excellent investment for your home, especially in a sunny place like Tampa. After all, what’s better than saving on your monthly energy bills by using clean, free energy from the sun? As with any great investment, though, you’ll want to protect it by carrying insurance. Every homeowner switching to solar should…

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Solar Tier Insurance Requirements in Florida

Ready to make the switch to a cleaner, more efficient future by investing in solar panels for your Florida home? Any Florida homeowner who wants to install solar panels must hold an appropriate solar insurance policy. Currently, Florida utility companies separate solar systems into distinct tiers according to system size, measured in Kilowatts (kW). Here’s…

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Florida Solar Tax Credits FAQ

Living in the Sunshine State, solar energy is a good way to offset utility costs, and if you are considering solar panels for your home, you’ll want to understand Florida’s solar tax credits. There are several benefits to going solar, including tax savings! Our team at Solar Bear Orlando outlines everything you need to know…

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Can You Install Solar If You Have A Flat Roof?

Homeowners with slanted roofs might not think twice about installing solar panels, but those with flat roofs on their property may wonder if collecting solar energy is even practical for their situation. Today, the experts at Solar Bear Dallas are here to inform you of whether you can install solar if you have a flat…

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