
Does Florida Allow Net Metering? 2025 Update

Did you know that you can save even more money with your solar panels through net metering? This sounds like a very beneficial system, but is this something that’s allowed in Florida? Get caught up on 2025 net metering updates in Florida and what you can expect in this detailed guide! For premium solar panel installation near you, call Solar Bear Orlando today for a free estimate.

What Is Net Metering? Here’s How It Can Help You Save:

Net metering offers another way for you to save money on energy with any leftover solar power that you return to the main electrical grid. Any solar energy you don’t use can help the city, and you’ll be rewarded in credits towards your next electric bill. You save money, the city gets more energy. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone!

Solar panels already save you money on energy, but you can triple your savings when you factor in net metering and federal solar tax credits together. With so many ways to make back what you spend on solar panels, it really is worth it to go solar in Orlando, Florida in 2025 where the sun shines brightly pretty much all year.

Florida’s Rules Regarding Net Metering

Think net metering sounds too good to be true? There might be some regulations to keep in mind here and there, but this program still makes going solar a worthwhile investment in the grand scheme of things.

Here are the most recent updates regarding net metering in 2025:

  • The incentives from Florida’s net metering program fluctuate depending on the size of the solar panel system.
  • The only electric companies that offer net metering in Florida are Tampa Electric, Florida Power & Light, Gulf Power, and Duke Energy.
  • Energy savings with net metering will decrease to 60% in 2026 and 50% in 2027 and 2028.

Right now, you can receive 75% credit through net metering as long as your application was approved in 2024 or you’ll have it approved in 2025. This means that now is the time to invest in solar panels for maximum savings!

What Happens When You Roll Over Your Energy Output

You get credit back for solar energy that you put into the grid, simple as that. However, there’s a cap to how much energy you can receive credit for in Florida. You will only earn credit up to the amount of energy that your property has used for the month. But before you think that you should hold back on solar collecting from lack of reimbursement, you should know that any energy that exceeds your limit will be rolled over to the next billing cycle so your contributions won’t completely go to waste.

Bottom line, you can roll over your net metering credits just like you can roll over unused solar tax credits into the next year. Remember, the government wants you to go solar to help the environment. That’s why solar incentives are generous with their terms so you can reap the benefits!

Let Solar Bear Orlando Set Up Your Solar Panels And Start Racking In the Savings!

Take advantage of all your solar incentives by calling Solar Bear Orlando at (727) 580-1090 for expert solar panel installation near you. We’ll make sure your new solar panel system is set up for net metering so you can save big on solar in Florida!