
What Are the Most Important Questions To Ask A Solar Installer?

If you are planning to install solar at your Central Florida home or business, you may be confused about what solar panels to get, where they should be installed, and who you can trust to install your system. Don’t worry! That’s what our team at Solar Bear Orlando is here for!

Today, we share some of the most important questions to ask a solar installer so you can make the most informed decision when it comes to your solar power.

Let’s jump in!

#1. How Long Have You Been in Business?

The solar industry is booming and growing at a rapid rate, and we’ve seen a lot of solar companies come and go. We recommend choosing a solar installation company with a proven track record of happy clients and successful installations, which companies only get with years of experience in the field.

Solar Bear Orlando has been in business for almost 10 years ago and we quickly expanded from the St. Petersburg and Tampa Bay market to the entire Sunshine State and Texas!

#2. What Kinds of Solar Panels Do You Install?

This is one of the most common questions that we get asked here at Solar Bear Orlando. While it is important to have premium panels when you’re installing solar, we recommend not focusing too much on the specific brand or wattage. We’ll help you choose the best panels for your system and will ensure that they are as efficient as possible.

You may also want to know what color the panels are, and this is an important question if you’re interested in their aesthetics. Don’t hesitate to ask!

#3. Are There Any Incentives Available to Me?

It’s always a win when you can save on your solar purchase, so don’t forget to ask your installer about any incentives that may be available to you.

You may qualify for the federal solar tax credit, as well as local/state solar incentives which can make a significant impact on the Return on Investment (ROI) of your solar system.

#4. Do You Offer Financing?

We understand that solar systems can be an expensive upfront investment, but we’re here to make solar energy more affordable for our clients. We offer a variety of easy to apply for financing options and will work with you to find the best option for you.

Currently, we work with EnerBank ™ and Sunlight Financial ™ for financing so make sure to ask at your consultation!

#5. Do You Warranty Your Products?

You’ll likely have multiple solar warranties associated with your system including product, performance, workmanship, etc.

Before signing a contract or paying anything, make sure to ask your installer what each warranty entails, including the length of the contract, and whether you can extend the warranties over time.

#6. What Happens if My System Breaks?

Broken parts happen, and while this often goes hand-in-hand with your warranty coverage, what to do in case of breakage is an important thing to think about.

Solar panel maintenance is important, though often infrequent, so you should talk to your installation company about what the process is if something in the system were to break or malfunction.

#7. How Long Does Installation Take?

When going solar, another common question we get is how long does installation take? To answer this question, there are many factors to consider including the scope of the project, the size of the panels, orientation, and more.

When talking to your solar company, ask them about the timeframe of the installation and when they plan to have the setup complete. Generally, they should be able to provide a breakdown of the process including permitting, delivery, and construction.

Read More > What is the Average Payback Period for Residential Solar in 2024?

Go Solar With Solar Bear Orlando

As you can see, choosing the right solar installation company is an important step in transitioning to solar energy, and asking the right questions will help you make the best decision for your home or business.

At Solar Bear Orlando, we’ll never keep you in the dark about the process. We’re committed to guiding you through every step, ensuring an efficient installation period, and your peace of mind throughout the entire process!

Ready to start your solar adventure? Reach out to our friendly team today at (727) 471-7442!