
How Cloudy Skies Can Affect Solar

Floridians know that a cloudy sky will still require sunscreen and if not applied, they can expect a sneaky sunburn. Nevertheless, does the sun’s stealthy behavior work the same way with your solar system? Solar Bear of Tampa explains how a cloudy sky can affect solar systems and how to take advantage of it.

While it’s obvious that solar panels require sunlight to produce maximum energy, it is entirely possible for systems to generate energy in cloudy conditions. Depending on the cloud cover and the type of solar system, homeowners can expect efficiency to produce 10 to 25% less than on a sunny day. However, on partly cloudy days, energy can still be produced through bursts of intense sunlight known as the “edge of cloud” effect. Additionally, if you are able to see shadows on overcast days, it means that your system is still producing energy. Partial shading can also contribute to energy reduction. During a free energy consultation with Solar Bear of Tampa, our team will identify any energy-saving additions or installation obstacles, and recommend system options.

Climate is also a great indicator of panel performance. In most cases, solar panels work best in sunny and colder areas. When panels reach 77 degrees or more, they tend to lose efficiency. This is because the more heat a solar panel receives, the less power it produces from sunlight. Electrons in the panels are mostly at rest but when sunlight activates them, it stimulates high energy output. The production of a solar panel depends on the electron’s state of rest versus energy. Interestingly, cold temperatures keep electrons in a more dormant state increasing their power when sunlight activates them. Hence, why solar systems perform better in sunny, cold climates.

The bottom line? No one should let clouds rain on their solar parade! Speak with our team of experts at Solar Bear of Tampa to learn more about our solar energy systems. Call us at (727) 741-7442 or schedule your free estimate online today!