
Building a House & Considering Adding Solar? Read This.

Are you designing or building a new house in Orlando, Florida? Since the cost of installing a home solar system has fallen rapidly over the years, there has never been a better time to go solar, especially if you are building a home from the ground up. 

When you integrate solar into your new home’s construction, you can take advantage of solar’s financial and environmental benefits without needing to retrofit your home later down the road. The benefits are endless!

Thinking of incorporating solar in your new home build? Here are some great reasons and considerations! 

Why Install a Solar System When Building New? 

If you incorporate a solar system when your home is being built you can design your home with a photovoltaic system in mind. While your solar system doesn’t need to be at the forefront of your home design decisions, but designing with solar in mind, you can eliminate potential issues at the time of construction instead of needing to work around them later. 

So, keeping that in mind, here are a few design considerations that can maximize your solar electricity production: 

  • The ideal solar home has a south-facing roof, allowing it to capture as much sunlight throughout the day. 
  • The best solar-friendly roofs aren’t shaded by trees and don’t include obstructions like chimneys or dormers. 
  • You may want to consider an electric furnace instead of gas
  • Metal and shingle roofs are best, though tiled roofs can also be modified for solar installations. 

If you design your roof with solar in mind, you can also explore roofing options like solar roof tiles, which are installed as part of your home’s roof, not on top of it. 

More> What Direction Should Solar Panels Face? 

Installing Solar Increases Your Property Value 

Homes with solar arrays sell for significantly more than comparable homes without them. A high-quality solar panel system can add tens of thousands of dollars to your home’s value. 

It’s true! > 3 Ways Solar Power Increases Your Home Value

Tips for Designing a Solar Ready Home 

Installing a solar panel system at the same time as new home construction can significantly cut costs. Here are some solar-ready design guidelines that can help make your project easier for everyone involved: 

When designing a home with solar in mind, pay attention to the following: 

Steepness and Orientation of Your Roof

A south-facing roof with an angle of 30-45 degrees is ideal for solar. 

The Layout of Vents, Dormers, and Chimneys

Will any of these things shade your solar panels during the day? Shade can impact electricity production, so keep this in mind! 

Roof Load Bearing Specifications

It is important to ensure that your roof can bear the additional weight of a solar panel array. 

Roof Mounting Points 

Integrating mounting points during construction can save time and money and prevent damage to the roof during solar panel installation. 

Learn More> Is Your Roof Right For Solar? 

There are also electrical considerations to keep in mind including:

Electrical Conduit from the Main Panel to the Roof 

You will need to have an electrical conduit installed between your solar panels and your main electrical panel. 

Circuit Breakers and Main Electrical Panel

You will need to ensure that your electrical system can handle a solar panel array. 

Space for PV Inverters

While most of your solar system is on your roof, some components like PV inverters need to be installed near your electrical panel. 

New Construction with Solar in Mind 

Once you have decided to include solar in your new home’s design and construction, make sure that your builder knows that you want your home to be solar-ready. Having solar integrated into the blueprints and design will make it easier for our team at Solar Bear to install your solar array. 

Ready to get started? Harness the power of the sun with Solar Bear Orlando! Get a FREE estimate today—407-904-7585!